There were no hassles to speak of with security, I have actually only seen one (well armed) soldier so far and that was at the Vienna airport. What is striking to me is the general feeling of just being in a big city - a big and old city, with narrow streets and crazy drivers. The only stop we had time for today was at the Mt. of Olives were the guide gave a general lay of the land. It was extremely windy and difficult to get a good photo. It is very sad to see the the way that the history of the place has been "circus-ized". Whether or not you feel any religious / spiritual tie to this place, there is no denying that it is a place of historical significance - and seeing neon lighting up the place that is said to be where Jesus ascended to heaven, was a bit disturbing. Like I said, regardless of any religious feelings, this is a story that has been told by two major religions for a couple thousand years. The overwhelming awe of the history is not allowed to speak for itself. It is kind of like how I would feel if a laser light show were installed in the Grand Canyon.

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