Saturday, October 20, 2007


There is less than a week until I leave. All of the 'big' stuff is taken care of, but there is still so much to do. There have been a lot of last minute donations. I have had such a hard time motivating myself to ask for contributions; and when someone told me that it's not asking for money, it's giving someone the opportunity to be involved in something they otherwise would not be involved with, I thought "yeah, that's what people say to feel better about asking for money". Then yesterday I was speaking with some folks at work and it hit me that it is true. Whether the support is financial or spiritual / emotional, in a sense through that support I am taking all of these friends with me. I have been thinking about this trip as an individual participating with 24 other individuals, and who has a lot of people back home sending me their blessings for a safe and powerful trip. But really, there are over 100 people traveling with me and I am flying on the wings of angels.

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